Timber Frame Systems Enhance Vacation Homes From the Mountains to the Sea

Craftsmanship and Ingenuity

Cayman Structural Group is building from the mountains to the sea. In a sheer stroke of island ingenuity and master craftsmanship, our workers have recently added a splendid timber frame roof system to an ongoing build.

While superior concrete pours are our forte, and a mainstay on an island that is frequently threatened with hurricanes, a timber frame system might seem like an obtuse addition to marbled walls and sandy facades. But the winds of change blow subtly across the island. Wooden awnings and crowing timber roofs edify oblique edges by contrasting deep bronze stained lumbers with soothing modern sea tones. Timber frame systems can complement any structure and foundation, and rarely detract or deride architectural renderings that strive for the sophisticated—yet comfortable and inviting—feel of a seaside escape.

Timber Frame Systems Unwavering in Strength, Style and Composition

By utilizing simple physics, timber frame systems rely on bolstered trusses to support cavernous ceiling displays that will last for generations to come.

Timber frame systems have been around for centuries, and supported the foundations and structures of thousands of buildings predating the Industrial Revolution. By using crossbeams and support sections, timber frame systems rival any modern day building material’s strength and durability. Both aesthetically appealing and structurally sound, timber frame systems add an element of charm to any building project. They are also the more cost affordable option, and typically have better thermal performance than masonry components. So this means you will save on rising energy expenses.

Elegant Builds for Sophisticated Lifestyles

In engineering, emphasis is placed on clean and simple design. Overly complicated builds and projects have a greater chance of failing. At the very least, you will be looking at costly delays as workers try to make sense of exaggerated and superfluous add-ons.

Timber frame systems are simple in design and implication. They can be utilized in almost any residential or luxury home building project. Timber frame systems are a favorite in cabins and vacation homes in the Blue Ridge Mountains. They blend naturally with the surrounding landscape while avoiding gaudy and grandiose overtones. And just like with the dark deep blue hue of the mountains, timber frame systems accentuate the natural topography of the islands’ sandy beaches. Each piece of the truss system also receives a deep coat of stain to safeguard against rampant Caribbean moisture and fluctuating temperatures.

Cayman Structural Group: Residential & Commercial

Cayman Structural Group is one of the leading general contractors and luxury custom home builders in the Cayman Islands. With years of experience with commercial and residential construction, we have the resources and expertise to make your dream home a reality! For more information about all of our services (including concrete pouring, foundation and shell construction, and spray foam insulation) give us a call or explore our website.